Tuesday, September 7, 2010


How would a right leader(ship) without the right followership breed the New Nigeria? I know we know we say that just one
right man from God; but let us also remember Isreal in and coming out of Egypt; having been saved by the hand of Moses and
with Egypt having been destroyed, the Isrealite fell victim of the same fate because they did not align with that one right
man that God gave them. The Nigerian fate requires a 50/50 affair from the leadership and followership and until the Nigerian
populace realise that we are the ones responsible for all the woes of this nation(for the leaders arise from the followers),
we might fall victim like Isreal in the wilderness with an 'entitlement mentality'; not accepting our wrongs.
yet if God chooses a one man like we say that He should give us one right man; that right man had better known the
dress code: for me(rod in the righthand, staff in the lefthand and sword on the thigh). If God does not save peacefully, I have always
prepared in my mind uptill now not to rule out war.

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