Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the Hearts of Men

how long does it take the tree to grow?
how long does it take the seed to sprout
amidst bliss by the river that never runs dry?
how wary is the sower of seeds
about the nature of seeds sown?
for seeds do become trees and
they do bare much fruits.

blindness of the heart—
the deceitfulness of destruction.
Darkness the mystery—
cloacked with pride in a deceitful
fanning fame of popularity and stardom.

put the rod to the back,
save the soul from the bottomless hole.
pray the rod plays it role that the soul
may be whole and taste the light.

what differences?
what differences exist between
a nuclear bomb and a nuclear pile?
except that one is channelled towards
destruction and the other towards
positive construction by means of a rod;
and except therefore the Almighty
had intervened with His Rod thereof; an addon.

an addon to the list of troubles on your streets,
an addon to the list of terror and terrorists,
an addon to the number of thugs and
gangsters in your neighborhood,
an addon to the list of those appointed to die,
an addon to the souls never to see the light.

what then lies inherently in the bad guy
and never was in the good guy?
what storm birthe the still water and
made the troubled water boil?

where do lost souls go?
where do hovering spirits marked
for darkness roost?
buy back from the market of souls,
the appointtees for darkness;
who long ago let down all guards and
exchanged their souls on the platter
of their will for the life enshrined in darkness;
let them find a place to rest in the light.

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